This page will take you through the full workshop exercise. You can also download the finished repository, but I recommend working through the exercise to get a better feel for how the libraries and customizations work together.


  • git
  • Node 16.x or above
  • Yarn 1.x - 1.22.19 or above recommended
  • At least one of the following ways to run a React Native app:
    • A physical Android or iOS device
    • Android Studio for the Android Emulator
    • Xcode for the iOS Simulator
  • A code editor configured for React development

Setting Up the Repo

We will be building off of the GitHub repo rnweb-workshop-app. It is a basic Expo app with linting and autoformatting added.

Clone the repo locally:

git clone

Install the dependencies:

$ cd rnweb-workshop-app
$ yarn install

Start the development server:

$ yarn start

Next, open the app on a physical phone, Android Emulator, or iOS Simulator. For instructions, see Opening the app on your phone/tablet - Expo Docs. Note that the app is not yet ready to run on the web.

You should see the app launch on the device and the message “Open up App.js to start working on your app!” displayed.

RN Web

Expo is actually almost preconfigured to run on the web out of the box.

Press W on the keyboard to attempt to open it on the web. You will get a warning:

It looks like you're trying to use web support but don't have the required
dependencies installed.

Please install react-native-web@~0.18.7, react-dom@18.0.0,
@expo/webpack-config@^0.17.0 by running:

npx expo install react-native-web@~0.18.7 react-dom@18.0.0 \

Let’s install those. Press ctrl-C to quit Expo, then run the following command:

npx expo install react-native-web@~0.18.7 \
                 react-dom@18.0.0 \

Once those are installed, run yarn start again, then press W. This time, the app should successfully open in your browser, and you should see the message “Open up App.js to start working on your app!”

React Navigation

The first thing we’ll set up is navigation. We’ll use React Navigation, the most popular navigation library for React Native. It has great web support as well.

Add the dependencies for React Navigation, including both the drawer and stack navigator:

yarn add @react-navigation/drawer \
         @react-navigation/native \

Next, add some transitive dependencies through Expo so the compatible versions are installed:

npx expo install react-native-gesture-handler \
                 react-native-reanimated \
                 react-native-screens \

We will also need to configure Babel to support the Reanimated library. Make the following change in babel.config.js:

   return {
     presets: ['babel-preset-expo'],
+    plugins: ['react-native-reanimated/plugin'],

After saving this change, stop the server and then rerun yarn start.

Now that our project is set up for navigation, let’s begin configuring our navigation structure.

Create a src folder and, inside it, a Navigation.js file. First, let’s create a few sample screens to navigate between:

import {useNavigation} from '@react-navigation/native';
import {Pressable, Text} from 'react-native';

function HomeRoot() {
  const navigation = useNavigation();
  return (
      <Pressable onPress={() => navigation.navigate('HomeDetail')}>
        <Text>Go to Detail</Text>

function HomeDetail() {
  const navigation = useNavigation();
  return (
      <Pressable onPress={() => navigation.pop()}>
        <Text>Back to HomeRoot</Text>

function OtherRoot() {
  return <Text>OtherRoot</Text>;

Now let’s create two stack navigators, one for each set:

import {createNativeStackNavigator} from '@react-navigation/native-stack';
const HomeStack = createNativeStackNavigator();
function Home() {
  return (
        options={{title: 'Home'}}
        options={{title: 'Home Detail'}}

const OtherStack = createNativeStackNavigator();
function Other() {
  return (
        options={{title: 'Other'}}

Now, we combine them in a Drawer:

import {createDrawerNavigator} from '@react-navigation/drawer';
const Drawer = createDrawerNavigator();
function NavigationContents() {
  return (
      <Drawer.Screen name="Home" component={Home} />
      <Drawer.Screen name="Other" component={Other} />

(Note: previously I found I needed to add a useLegacyImplementation prop to <Drawer.Navigator> to fix a mysterious error on the web. If you run into a Drawer-related error during this tutorial and you can’t figure out the cause, try adding the useLegacyImplementation prop and see if that helps.)

To finish up this file for now, we wrap it in a NavigationContainer in a separate component:

-import {useNavigation} from '@react-navigation/native';
+import {NavigationContainer, useNavigation} from '@react-navigation/native';
       <Drawer.Screen name="Other" component={Other} />
+export default function Navigation() {
+  // IMPORTANT: NavigationContainer needs to not rerender too often or
+  // else Safari and Firefox error on too many history API calls. Put
+  // any hooks in NavigationContents so this parent doesn't rerender.
+  return (
+    <NavigationContainer>
+      <NavigationContents />
+    </NavigationContainer>
+  );

Now we render this Navigation in our App component. Replace the contents of App.js with:

import {StatusBar} from 'expo-status-bar';
import Navigation from './src/Navigation';

export default function App() {
  return (
      <StatusBar style="auto" />
      <Navigation />

Open the app on mobile and on web. See how we can drill down into screens and switch between different stacks.

It doesn’t look good, though: there are two title bars stacked on top of each other. We’ll address that once we start customizing our navigation components.


Before we move on to theming, though, let’s talk about URLs. Notice how on the web the app has the same URL no matter what screen we’re on. On the web we expect each screen to correspond to a URL. URLs can be useful for deep linking into screens of the app as well.

In Navigation.js, add the following configuration object:

const linking = {
  config: {
    screens: {
      Home: {
        path: '/',
        screens: {
          HomeRoot: '',
          HomeDetail: 'home/detail',
      Other: {
        path: '/other',
        screens: {
          OtherRoot: '',

Configure the NavigationContainer with it:

   return (
-    <NavigationContainer>
+    <NavigationContainer linking={linking}>
       <NavigationContents />

Click around the app and notice the URLs change as we expect.

Try reloading the browser tab when you’re on a screen other than the home screen. Note that you’re taken to the screen you expect.

Try reloading when you’re on /home/detail, though. There’s a problem: there’s no back button! There’s no way to get to the home screen. Why is this?

The reason is that stacks don’t automatically have a “starting” screen. If you use a URL to go to the details screen, that’s where you begin in that stack.

To fix this, configure an initialRouteName in the linking config for the home stack:

 screens: {
   Home: {
     path: '/',
+    initialRouteName: 'HomeRoot',
     screens: {
       HomeRoot: '',
       HomeDetail: 'home/detail',

Try reloading /home/detail again. Now you should see the back button and be able to get back to the home screen.

RN Paper

With our navigation working, it’s time to make our app look awesome. There are a lot of different ways to style a React Native app.

In this workshop we’re going to use React Native Paper. I’ve found that it has great support for both mobile and web. Version 5 of Paper is currently in release candidate stage; we’re going to go ahead and use it to make sure you’re set for the future. It’s nice and stable.

Add the Paper dependency:

yarn add react-native-paper@5.0.0-rc.8

Stop and restart the server after this step.

Next, wrap the app with the Paper provider:

 import Navigation from './src/Navigation';
+import {Provider as PaperProvider} from 'react-native-paper';

 export default function App() {
   return (
-    <>
+    <PaperProvider>
       <StatusBar style="auto" />
       <Navigation />
-    </>
+    </PaperProvider>

To start to style our app, we can configure the navigation bar and drawer to use RN Paper.

The drawer will be a bit simpler to style, so let’s start there.

Create the folder src/components and create a file src/components/CustomNavigationDrawer.js. Add the following:

import {DrawerContentScrollView} from '@react-navigation/drawer';
import {Drawer} from 'react-native-paper';

export default function CustomNavigationDrawer({...navProps}) {
  const {state, navigation} = navProps;

  const isSelected = index => index === state.index;

  return (
    <DrawerContentScrollView {...navProps}>
      {, index) => (
          onPress={() => navigation.navigate(}

Now configure the drawer to use it in Navigation.js:

+import CustomNavigationDrawer from './components/CustomNavigationDrawer';

 const linking = {
 function NavigationContents() {
   return (
-    <Drawer.Navigator>
+    <Drawer.Navigator drawerContent={CustomNavigationDrawer}>
       <Drawer.Screen name="Home" component={Home} />
       <Drawer.Screen name="Other" component={Other} />

Reload the app and open the drawer. Check out how we have a material design look and feel. We’re going to adjust it later once we customize our Material Design theme.

Next, the header. Create a file src/components/CustomNavigationBar.js. Add the following:

import {Appbar} from 'react-native-paper';

export default function CustomNavigationBar({navigation, options, back}) {
  return (
      {back ? (
      ) : null}
      <Appbar.Content title={options.title} />

Now configure each Stack Navigator to use this header component:

+import CustomNavigationBar from './components/CustomNavigationBar';
 const HomeStack = createNativeStackNavigator();
 const Home = () => (
-  <HomeStack.Navigator>
+  <HomeStack.Navigator screenOptions={{header: CustomNavigationBar}}>
 const OtherStack = createNativeStackNavigator();
 function Other() {
   return (
-    <OtherStack.Navigator>
+    <OtherStack.Navigator screenOptions={{header: CustomNavigationBar}}>

We also configure the drawer’s own header not to show, since our custom navigation bar handles it:

-<Drawer.Navigator drawerContent={CustomNavigationDrawer}>
+  drawerContent={CustomNavigationDrawer}
+  screenOptions={{
+    headerShown: false,
+  }}

Load up the app. See how there is only one header bar now, and it has a Material look. We can press the right-hand icon to toggle the drawer. And if we’re on a detail screen there is a back arrow to go back to the initial screen.

Dark Mode

Switch your computer and Simulator/Emulator to dark mode. Note that on the web the navigation bar and drawer buttons switch to dark mode, but not on mobile. By default Expo doesn’t allow switching the mobile apps to dark mode. We can change that in app.json:

     "icon": "./assets/icon.png",
-    "userInterfaceStyle": "light",
+    "userInterfaceStyle": "automatic",
     "splash": {

Save and reload the app on mobile. You should see the same dark mode styling there.

Our next problem is that our RN Paper components change to dark mode, but some of our other components do not. We need to customize them to respect dark mode settings.

First, backgrounds. Let’s add a ScreenBackground component that supports dark mode:

import {View} from 'react-native';
import {useTheme} from 'react-native-paper';

export default function ScreenBackground({style, children}) {
  const theme = useTheme();
  const baseStyle = {flex: 1, backgroundColor: theme.colors.background};
  return <View style={[baseStyle, style]}>{children}</View>;

Let’s use this for all our screens in Navigation.js:

+import ScreenBackground from './components/ScreenBackground';
 function HomeRoot() {
   const navigation = useNavigation();
   return (
-    <>
+    <ScreenBackground>
       <Pressable onPress={() => navigation.navigate('HomeDetail')}>
         <Text>Go to Detail</Text>
-    </>
+    </ScreenBackground>

 function HomeDetail() {
   const navigation = useNavigation();
   return (
-    <>
+    <ScreenBackground>
       <Pressable onPress={() => navigation.pop()}>
         <Text>Back to HomeRoot</Text>
-    </>
+    </ScreenBackground>

 function OtherRoot() {
-  return <Text>OtherRoot</Text>;
+  return (
+    <ScreenBackground>
+      <Text>OtherRoot</Text>
+    </ScreenBackground>
+  );

Now our backgrounds change color but our text doesn’t. The Text component from Paper will help:

 import {NavigationContainer, useNavigation} from '@react-navigation/native';
-import {Pressable, Text} from 'react-native';
+import {Pressable} from 'react-native';
+import {Text} from 'react-native-paper';
 import {createDrawerNavigator} from '@react-navigation/drawer';

Now our text looks good.

Next, take a look at the drawer. Its background doesn’t change either. Let’s add that support:

 import {DrawerContentScrollView} from '@react-navigation/drawer';
-import {Drawer} from 'react-native-paper';
+import {Drawer, useTheme} from 'react-native-paper';

 function CustomNavigationDrawer({...navProps}) {
   const {state, navigation} = navProps;
+  const theme = useTheme();
+  const scrollViewStyle = {
+    backgroundColor: theme.colors.background,
+  };

   const isSelected = index => index === state.index;

   return (
-    <DrawerContentScrollView {...navProps}>
+    <DrawerContentScrollView style={scrollViewStyle} {...navProps}>
       {, index) => (

Save, and the drawer will now display with a dark background in dark mode.

Theme Color

This looks good, but the theme also looks exactly like every other Material Design app out there. Let’s customize our theme with our own primary color.

To approach custom theming, we have to talk about the two different versions of the Material Design spec that React Native Paper v5 supports: the older Material Design 2, and the newer Material You.

Paper defaults to Material You. If we want to stick with that, changing the color scheme means customizing a number of different colors.

There’s a simpler way, though. If we’re willing to fall back to Material Design 2, we can just set one primary color, and Paper will calculate the rest of the colors for the UI for us. For this exercise, we’ll do the latter.

There’s one other challenge that comes up when we customize the theme. While we’ve used the built-in theme we’ve gotten light and dark mode switching automatically. But once we customize the theme, we will need to handle the switching ourselves.

Let’s build an implementation that handles these concerns. Create a file src/useCustomTheme.js and add the following:

import {useColorScheme} from 'react-native';
import {MD2DarkTheme, MD2LightTheme} from 'react-native-paper';

export default function useCustomTheme() {
  const colorScheme = useColorScheme() ?? 'light';
  const baseTheme = colorScheme === 'dark' ? MD2DarkTheme : MD2LightTheme;
  return baseTheme;

Now use this to set the theme on the provider in App.js:

 import {Provider as PaperProvider} from 'react-native-paper';
+import useCustomTheme from './src/useCustomTheme';

 export default function App() {
+  const theme = useCustomTheme();
   return (
-    <PaperProvider>
+    <PaperProvider theme={theme}>
       <StatusBar style="auto" />

If you look in the app, the look has changed. This is Material Design 2.

But now let’s set that theme color. You can pick any vibrant color. The web site Hex Color Picker will let you choose one and give you the hex value for it. Here’s what I chose:

 import {MD2DarkTheme, MD2LightTheme} from 'react-native-paper';

+const THEME_COLOR = '#4caf50';
 export default function useTheme() {
   const colorScheme = useColorScheme() ?? 'light';
   const baseTheme = colorScheme === 'dark' ? MD2DarkTheme : MD2LightTheme;
-  return baseTheme;
+  const theme = {
+    ...baseTheme,
+    colors: {
+      ...baseTheme.colors,
+      primary: THEME_COLOR,
+    },
+  };
+  return theme;

Pull up the app again and try switching between light and dark mode to see our custom color in action.

Responsive Design

Let’s take a look at a few ways we can make our app look good at different sizes.

First, in a large viewport like the web on desktop, the content area is pretty wide. Let’s make it a centered column that has a maximum width. Let’s create a component for this, src/components/CenterColumn.js. Add the following:

import {StyleSheet, View} from 'react-native';

export default function CenterColumn({columnStyle, children}) {
  return (
    <View style={styles.columnWrapper}>
      <View style={[styles.column, columnStyle]}>{children}</View>

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  columnWrapper: {
    flex: 1,
    flexDirection: 'row',
    justifyContent: 'center',
  column: {
    flex: 1,
    maxWidth: 640,

Let’s center the content on all the screens:

 import ScreenBackground from './components/ScreenBackground';
+import CenterColumn from './components/CenterColumn';

 function HomeRoot() {
   const navigation = useNavigation();
   return (
+      <CenterColumn>
         <Pressable onPress={() => navigation.navigate('HomeDetail')}>
           <Text>Go to Detail</Text>
+      </CenterColumn>
   const navigation = useNavigation();
   return (
+      <CenterColumn>
         <Pressable onPress={() => navigation.pop()}>
           <Text>Back to HomeRoot</Text>
+      </CenterColumn>

 function OtherRoot() {
   return (
+      <CenterColumn>
+      </CenterColumn>

Since we have so little content, it can be hard to visualize what it’s doing. Copy and paste a bunch of text into there and you’ll see that it wraps in a nice centered column.

What about more complex situations? Let’s say we want to put buttons above one another on small screens but put them next to each other on large screens. On the web you can accomplish this with media queries and breakpoints, but that’s not built in to React Native. There are a lot of styling libraries for React Native, and some of them may provide built in breakpoint support.

If you don’t already have a breakpoint option, I created a tiny library to help with this, called react-native-style-queries. Add it to the project:

yarn add react-native-style-queries

Let’s create a file src/breakpoints.js where we’ll configure the breakpoints for our app. For now we just need one value:

export const breakpointMedium = 429;

Now let’s create a src/components/ButtonGroup.js that is responsive:

import {View} from 'react-native';
import {screenWidthMin, useStyleQueries} from 'react-native-style-queries';
import {breakpointMedium} from '../breakpoints';

export default function ButtonGroup({children}) {
  const styles = useStyleQueries(styleQueries);
  return <View style={styles.buttonContainer}>{children}</View>;

const styleQueries = {
  buttonContainer: [
      flexDirection: 'column',
    screenWidthMin(breakpointMedium, {
      flexDirection: 'row',
      justifyContent: 'flex-end',

Here’s how this works: for a style name buttonContainer, we give it an array. First we put an object literal in the array: this contains styles that will always be applied. Then we call the helper function screenWidthMin(): this allows us to define styles that we only want to apply if the screen width is at least the configured size, breakpointMedium. If that condition is met, the styles we pass here will be merged into the buttonContainer styles. We use this configuration within the component with the useStyleQueries() hook, and we get a styles object back.

Now let’s update HomeRoot to use it, as well as some RN Paper buttons:

 import {createNativeStackNavigator} from '@react-navigation/native-stack';
 import {Pressable} from 'react-native';
-import {Text} from 'react-native-paper';
+import {Button, Text} from 'react-native-paper';
 import CustomNavigationBar from './components/CustomNavigationBar';
 import CustomNavigationDrawer from './components/CustomNavigationDrawer';
 import ScreenBackground from './components/ScreenBackground';
 import CenterColumn from './components/CenterColumn';
+import ButtonGroup from './components/ButtonGroup';

 function HomeRoot() {
   const navigation = useNavigation();
-        <Pressable onPress={() => navigation.navigate('HomeDetail')}>
-          <Text>Go to Detail</Text>
-        </Pressable>
+        <ButtonGroup>
+          <Button mode="outlined">Second</Button>
+          <Button mode="outlined">Third</Button>
+          <Button
+            mode="contained"
+            onPress={() => navigation.navigate('HomeDetail')}
+          >
+            Go to Detail
+          </Button>
+        </ButtonGroup>

Drag your browser window to make it narrower, then wider. Note that at a small enough width the buttons switch to being stacked on top of one another, and extending the full width of the window. Make the window wide enough again, and they go back to being in a row.

Now, the layout isn’t perfect. Ideally we’d like to add margin at the top on a narrow screen and on the left on a wide screen. We can do that in Navigation.js:

 import ButtonGroup from './components/ButtonGroup';
+import {screenWidthMin} from 'react-native-style-queries';
+import {breakpointMedium} from './breakpoints';

 const linking = {
   config: {
+const styleQueries = {
+  button: [
+    {
+      marginTop: 10,
+    },
+    screenWidthMin(breakpointMedium, {
+      marginLeft: 10,
+    }),
+  ],

Now, apply these styles to the buttons:

-import {screenWidthMin} from 'react-native-style-queries';
+import {screenWidthMin, useStyleQueries} from 'react-native-style-queries';
import {breakpointMedium} from './breakpoints';
 function HomeRoot() {
   const navigation = useNavigation();
+  const styles = useStyleQueries(styleQueries);
   return (
-          <Button mode="outlined">Second</Button>
-          <Button mode="outlined">Third</Button>
+          <Button mode="outlined" style={styles.button}>
+            Second
+          </Button>
+          <Button mode="outlined" style={styles.button}>
+            Third
+          </Button>
             onPress={() => navigation.navigate('HomeDetail')}
+            style={styles.button}
             Go to Detail

Another responsive feature that would be the nice relates to the drawer. With all the screen space on a large screen, it would be nice to keep it visible all the time. Here’s how we can do that.

First, let’s make a function that tells us which breakpoint we’re at. Right now in breakpoints.js we just have a breakpointMedium. Replace the contents of that file with the following:

import {useWindowDimensions} from 'react-native';

export const breakpointMedium = 429;
export const breakpointLarge = 600;

export const small = 'small';
export const medium = 'medium';
export const large = 'large';

export function useBreakpoint() {
  const {width} = useWindowDimensions();

  if (width >= breakpointLarge) {
    return large;
  } else if (width >= breakpointMedium) {
    return medium;
  } else {
    return small;

Next, we’ll configure the drawer to be either permanent or not depending on the breakpoint. In Navigation.js:

 import ButtonGroup from './components/ButtonGroup';
+import {large, useBreakpoint} from './breakpoints';

 function HomeRoot() {
   const navigation = useNavigation();
 const Drawer = createDrawerNavigator();

 function NavigationContents() {
+  const breakpoint = useBreakpoint();
+  const drawerType = breakpoint === large ? 'permanent' : 'back';
   return (
         headerShown: false,
+        drawerType,
       drawerContent={props => <CustomNavigationDrawer {...props} />}

This keeps the drawer present on large viewports. Try narrowing the browser window and notice how the drawer disappears when you go narrower and reappears when you go wider.

As a final touch, let’s hide the drawer toggle button when it’s permanently shown. In CustomNavigationBar.js:

 import {Appbar} from 'react-native-paper';
+import {large, useBreakpoint} from '../breakpoints';

 export default function CustomNavigationBar({navigation, options, back}) {
+  const breakpoint = useBreakpoint();
+  const showDrawerToggle = breakpoint !== large;
   return (
       <Appbar.Content title={options.title} />
+      {showDrawerToggle && (
+      )}

Platform-Specific Functionality

To learn more about conditionals based on whether you are on web or mobile, or separate module implementations for web, see Web-specific code in the React Native Web docs.


Contact Josh

Contact Test Double

React Native, React, and web development consulting.

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