
  • Outside-In React Development - a book about building React apps using outside-in test-driven development (available on Amazon and Leanpub)

Web Sites

  • - learn unit, component, and end-to-end testing for React Native
  • Rails APIs - learn how to create JSON APIs efficiently with the powerful features of Ruby on Rails
  • User-Modifiable Software - examining Smalltalk and HyperCard as systems that empower users to modify their software

Open Source Libraries

Open Source Apps

  • Riverbed - a personal information management tool that allows you to build mini apps. OSS and free for web and iOS.
  • Surely - a todo app available on iOS and Web, built with React Native Web
  • Slapdash - public markdown notes

Project Setup Scripts

  • jessup - a unified project setup script for Node, React, and React Native
  • apiup - Rails API with JSON:API and OAuth 2
  • railsup