Our goal is to to maximally utilize the potential of computers (hardware and software).

1. Beneficial to society

We will build computer systems that maximize value and benefit to users and society, and minimize harm to them.

  • Focus primarily on providing value to users, not selling ads
  • Honestly communicate capabilities and limitations
  • Focus on technologies that provide demonstrated value over hype
  • Enable users to do what they want instead of modifying their behavior
  • Users are in control of settings and uses, instead of the technology nagging, preventing users from what they want to do, or making assumptions that users cannot change.
  • Protect privacy by using the minimal data from people, making it clear what data is used and why, and allowing users to easily opt out
  • Look for and prevent ways that design decisions and encoded implicit biases disproportionately affect some groups over others
  • Maximize how users can access and reuse their data and functionality

2. Sustainable organization and systems

We will build computer systems that are sustainable in terms of maintenance and computer organizations that are sustainable economically.

  • Have a sustainable profit model
  • Focus on long-term organizational sustainability over short-term returns
  • Apply quality and maintainability practices

3. Kind to creators

We will treat those involved with the creation of computer systems with respect, engaging their work in a sustainable way

  • Sustainable work hours
  • Do not compromise on quality in order to meet a fixed time and scope

4. Efficient to the environment

We will use computing resources in an efficient way to minimize climate impact.

  • Avoid technologies whose energy use is disproportionate to their value
  • Use hardware that supports installing your own OS
  • Use operating systems with long-term hardware support