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A NeXTstation running NeXTSTEP 3.3

  • First Release: September 18, 1990
  • Discontinued: 1993
  • This model:
    • Processor: 25 MHz 68040

Sales of the original “NeXT Computer” (later renamed the NeXTcube) were slow due to poor performance, a lack of color support, and a high price. NeXT attempted to address all of these issues with the NeXTstation, which had a radically different form factor from the distinctive cube: a “slab”. Instead of the NeXT Computer’s expensive and slow magento-optical drive, the NeXTstation had a more conventional hard disk and floppy drive.

The improvements to the NeXTstation were not enough for NeXT to make inroads against its hardware competitors, and in 1993 the company left the hardware business entirely, focusing instead on selling the NeXTSTEP operating system for use on other processors.
